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DataMapper: Fetching only changed properties before updating record

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction with this.

I want to know if there's a way to view/fetch both new and old property values with DataMapper before the update method is called and compare the values.

The scenario is as follows: I have a ticket resource and I need to notify various interested parties about changes made to the ticket. Email notification when the payment status changes, SMS notification when the ticket get's assigned to a support staff etc.

Currently, inside my Ticket class, I have set up a callback/filter like this:

before :update, :notify_changes

def notify_changes
    ticket = Ticket.get( # Get the original
    if ticket.status != self.status
        # Send out the email notification
    if ticket.assigned_support != self.assigned_support
        # Send out the SMS notification
    # ... etc

Is there a better or more efficient way to do this without hitting the database again at ticket = Ticket.get(


  • Ok, I've figured this out myself. Here it is for reference if anyone else finds themselves asking the same question:

    before :update, :notify_changes
    def notify_changes
        # The status property has been changed
        if !dirty_attributes[[:status]].nil?
           # old status: original_attributes[[:status]]
        # The assigned_support property has been changed
        if !dirty_attributes[[:assigned_support]].nil?
           # old status: original_attributes[[:assigned_support]]

    Inspiration Reference: This thread