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Teamcity. Run powershell script after the build to install windows service

I have two build configurations:

  • Build solution and run tests
  • Deploy ASP.NET site using msbuild

That article was used as manual.

Currently I want to add the third build configuration to install a windows service. There is a powershell script that should be run from bin folder (release, debug etc).

So the question is how access the build folder (something like C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\94fc00f485df5f29\Solution\Service\bin\%environment%) to run that script? As I understand the guid from url is not static and I couldn't hardcode it in teamcity.


  • When you set the path to your build script, just set it so its like:


    Which will do it relatively to the build directory for your build agent.

    Otherwise I think its:\Solution\Service\bin\%environment%

    Which TeamCity will fill in with like C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\94fc00f485df5f29