I would like to set the request endpoint of fine-uploader dynamically. For example:
request: {
endpoint: submitUrl
multiple: false,
button: $("#uploader-button"),
// etc...
submitUrl must be already set in the page and can't be changed. I would like to do something more dynamic, something like:
request: {
endpoint: function() { ($('#submitUrlField').val() }
But the above sends the request to function%20()%20%7B%20$(%27#submitUrlField%27).val()%20}
Grateful for anyone who knows how to do this!
your old code:
request: {
endpoint: function() { ($('#submitUrlField').val() }
|_ why need ( becasue it has not close ) match
try one of these
request: {
endpoint: function() { return $('#submitUrlField').val() } // here you had `(`
request: {
endpoint: $('#submitUrlField').val()