I have the following structure:
I don't have datasources configured, I use a dynamic configuration of datasource like it:
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("persitenceUnit", createMap(ds));
'ds' is a object with my database properties, like user, password, url, ...
I get Entitymanager this way:
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
I try get connection this way:
EntityManagerImpl entityManagerImpl = (EntityManagerImpl)em;
SessionFactoryImpl sessionFactoryImpl = (SessionFactoryImpl)entityManagerImpl.getSession().getSessionFactory();
Connection con = sessionFactoryImpl.getConnectionProvider().getConnection();
But, con is a NewProxyConnection instance. I need execute a procedure that return an ORAData and con.prepareCall(sqlToProcedure)
return a NewProxyCallableStatment that no have a getOraData, ie, this code don't work:
OracleCallableStatment ocs = (OracleCallableStatment)con.prepareCall('{call stp_test(?)}');
TestObjectodf to = ocs.getOraDATA(1, TestObject.getOraDataFactory());
The error happens in
OracleCallableStatment ocs = (OracleCallableStatment)con.prepareCall('{call stp_test(?)}');
I try:
NewProxyConnection npCon = sessionFactoryImpl.getConnectionProvider().getConnection();
Connection con = npCon.unwrap(Connection.class);
But don't work.
The unwrap() method will work, if you upgrade to the latest c3p0-0.9.5 prerelease version. unwrap() is a JDBC4 method, supported by c3p0 as of c3p0-0.9.5. Since you want an OracleCallableStatement, you will probably want to call the unwrap() method of a CallableStatement, rather than the unwrap() method of a Connection, as you try above.
Alternatively (and a bit more safely), with almost any version of the library, you can use c3p0's raw statement operations. See the docs.