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Replace Delete Icon of jqGrid with custom Icon

I wanted to change just the delete Icon of jqGrid in actions column with my own Icon(newTrash-icon.png). I've seen that jqGrid loads Icon from one png icons file. How do I replace the default trashcan Icon with some other trashcan Icon.

I tried below code but it doesn't work.

In my gridComplete


In my CSS

.ui-icon-customtrash {
    background: url("~/Images/newTrash-icon.png");
    background-position: -64px -16px;


I want the below icon to display in place of default delete icon



  • I found my answer. I have replaced inline Action Icons(delete and Notes icons) using IcoMoon App ( I selected different icons I needed from IcoMoon website and created a stylesheet that I downloaded and added to my application. And using the class name("idoc-icon-trash") provided by IcoMoon I added below code in my afterInsertRow event and boooom.. it worked as shown in the figure.

    $("#gridJQ .ui-icon-trash").removeClass('ui-icon ui-icon-trash').addClass('idoc-icon-trash');
    .idoc-icon-trash {
        font-size: 19px;
        color: #022462;

    enter image description here