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Mootools and YUI Carousel Issue

I am working on a site which uses Mootools and a carousel has been added to the site which is taken from here -

The problem is that the carousel somehow doesn't play nice with Mootools. With Mootools, it doesn't work and when I remove Mootools, it starts working. Firebug also doesn't show any JS errors or conflicts in console when Mootools is enabled.

I have setup couple of jsfiddles to demonstrate the issue.


<div class="yui-skin-sam">
        <h1 id="my-carousel-label">Expert Health Advice</h1>

    <div id="container">
        <ol id="carousel">
            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" alt="Leslie Baumann, M.D." src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Leslie Baumann, M.D.</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Skin Treatments for&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Thu 5.1.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" alt="Deepak Chopra, M.D." src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Deepak Chopra, M.D.</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">How You Think About Illness&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Thu 5.1.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="Christine McKinney, M.S., R.D., C.D.E." src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Christine McKinney, M.S., R.D., C.D.E.</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Fat: How Much Is Enough of a&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Thu 5.1.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="Dr. Maoshing Ni" src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Dr. Maoshing Ni</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Centenarian Tips for a Long&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Tue 4.29.08</cite>

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                    <h3><a href="">
                    Lillie Shockney, R.N., M.A.S.</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Are You Being Over- or&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Tue 4.29.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="David Neubauer, M.D." src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">David Neubauer, M.D.</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Could a Breast Cancer&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Tue 4.29.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="Jennifer Tuma-Young" src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Jennifer Tuma-Young</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Relieve Stress With Your&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Mon 4.28.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="Lucy Danziger, SELF Edit" src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Lucy Danziger, SELF Edit</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">De-Stress in Mere Minutes</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Mon 4.28.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D." src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D.</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Alzheimer's and Dementia: Will&#8240;</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Mon 4.28.08</cite>

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            <li class="item">   <a title="View Author's Biography" class="authimg" href=""><img width="125" height="154" class="lz" alt="Mallika Chopra, IntentBlog" src=""/></a>

                    <h3><a href="">Mallika Chopra, IntentBlog</a></h3>

                    <h4><a href="">Treating a Sore Throat</a></h4>
    <cite>Posted Mon 4.28.08</cite>

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(function () {
                var carousel;

                YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function (ev) {
                    var carousel = new YAHOO.widget.Carousel("container", {
                                animation: { speed: 0.5 },
                                describedby: "my-carousel-label"

                    carousel.render(); // get ready for rendering the widget
          ;   // display the widget

Any help would be appreciated.


  • As suggested above, I think the best option is to use a Carousel based on Mootools.

    If that is the way you want to go, I contribute with this:
    (using your CSS files and layout)


    CSS (extra, besides your files):

    ol {
        list-style: none;
        overflow-y: hidden;
        overflow-x: visible;
        position: relative;
    ol#carousel li.item {
        float: left;
    #container {


    var items = document.getElements('li.item');
    var carousel = $('carousel');
    Caroussel functions
    var li_index = 0;
    function gotoSlide(ind) {
        li_index = ind;
        var pos = items[ind].getPosition().x - carousel.getPosition().x;
        li_thumbs.each(function (e, i) {
            if (ind == i) e.addClass('yui-carousel-nav-page-selected');
            'margin-left': -pos
    Create rest of markup
    var container ='container');
    container.addClass('yui-carousel-visible yui-carousel-horizontal yui-carousel');
    var nav = new Element('div', {
        'class': 'yui-carousel-nav'
    var li = new Element('li');
    var ul = new Element('ul');
    var span0 = new Element('span', {
        'class': 'yui-carousel-button'
    var span1 = new Element('span', {
        'class': 'yui-carousel-button'
    var btn = new Element('button');
    var div_content = new Element('div', {
        'class': 'yui-carousel-content'
    btn.clone().set('id', 'yui-gen10').inject(span0);
    btn.clone().set('id', 'yui-gen11').inject(span1);
    items.each(function (ele, ind) {
        li.clone().set('id', 'nav_button_' + ind).addEvent('click', function () {
            li_index = ind;
    nav.inject(container, 'top');
    document.getElements('.yui-carousel-button button').addEvent('click', function () {
        var ind = ('yui-gen1')[1] == 0 ? li_index - 1 : li_index + 1;
        if (ind < 0 || ind > items.length - 1) return false;
    var li_thumbs = $$('.yui-carousel-nav ul li');