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Rolling Upgrade Application Glassfish

I saw a turorial video about rolling updates on glassfish 3.1

They used a param called --rolling-upgrade but i cannot find it in the param list of deploy sub-command. Does s.b. know what happend to it? --keepstate, which is also mentioned, is existsing.

Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] deploy
    [--virtualservers <virtual_servers>] [--contextroot <context_root>]
    [--name <component_name>]
    [--retrieve <local_dirpath>]
    [--dbvendorname <dbvendorname>]
    [--createtables[=createtables(default:false)>] | --dropandcreatetables[=dropandcreatetables(default:false)>]]
    [--deploymentplan <deployment_plan>]
    [--libraries jar_file[,jar_file*]] 
    [--type <pkg-type>]
    [--properties (name=value)[:name=value]*]
    [-?|--help[=<help(default:false)>]] file_archive | filepath


  • If this is what I think it is (I haven't watch the video), then this was a prototype at the time. Marian Mueller of Serli, the speaker, is one of the engineers behind this feature. This is now called "production redeployment", and the contribution is planned for a future GlassFish 4 release. I do have to give kudos to Serli for their efforts and contribution to the GlassFish community.