I was wondering if it is possible to intercept a method after the invocation of the target method? For example as you can see below:
public void doSomething{
I want to be able to intercept the method after the method invocation. In above sample, I will do common clean up after the invocation of method.
If you use the standard CGLIB Enhancer you can choose whether you want to execute code before or after the method being proxied is invoked. For instance:
MyClass proxy = (List<String>)Enhancer.create(MyClass.class, new MyInvocationHandler());
class MyInvocationHandler implements MethodInterceptor {
public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy proxy) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Before we invoke the method");
Object retObj = proxy.invoke(obj, args);
System.out.println("After we invoke the method");
return retObj;
So anything after the proxy.invoke
call will be code which executes after the method being proxy has been called and has returned.