I am using Spring MVC with spring security. Problem I am facing is with building static resources paths to set in jsp files.
Suppose my app is deployed in context name ctxt
Suppose I want to include a css
file in all of jsp, so I write href
for it like this static/css/global.css
. Now what happens, if I access following urls:
localhost/ctxt/dashboard (css 200
OK - final url for css in browser becomes = localhost/ctxt/static/css/global.css
localhost/ctxt/dashboard/status (css 404
Not found - final url for css in browser becomes = localhost/ctxt/dashboard/static/css/global.css
And if I change href
of css in jsp to this /static/css/global.css
. Then when I try to access these url:
localhost/ctxt/dashboard (css 404
Not found - final url for css in browser becomes = localhost/static/css/global.css
localhost/ctxt/dashboard/status (css 404
Not found - final url for css in browser becomes = localhost/static/css/global.css
just set resource in context definition like so
<mvc:resources mapping="/css/**" location="/css/" />
and reference like so
<link rel='stylesheet' href="<c:url value="/css/global.css"/>" type='text/css'/>