basically I have a form and it has 2 different expansions depending on whether a single or multi day trip is selected (not coded yet, once I get this working I can sort that out properly). I have looked at a lot of similar questions but unfortunately, many of them use jQuery.
I've been working on it for 2 days now, Googled, looked here and got this far on my tutor's suggestion but it isn't quite there yet and I don't understand enough to fix it. I'm hoping it's something simple and I'm just a bit too inexperienced at this point to recognize it.
Right now, I'm just trying to make a div with 2 different classes show depending on which is clicked. The classes being hard coded into the function doesn't matter at the moment. Eventually I will want the div's to appear (still depending on the check box selected) when the submit button is clicked, but that can be a future endeavor (would assume it's just some if/else statements.
If anyone can help, or even just point me in the right direction (keeping in mind I started learning this around 3 weeks ago and haven't even used it in the last 2) I would greatly appreciate your help.
I have attached a JSFiddle of current code, and a picture of the final result from photoshop. (everything below the horizontal white line will initially be hidden until a checkbox is selected).
First of all under Frameworks & Extensions, set the select box to No Wrap - in body instead of onLoad. (In the top left).
Second, you have multiple syntax errors.
Multi day<input type="checkbox" name="multi-day" value="multi-day" onclick=""ShowExtraForm1('multiBooking')"">
Remove one set of "" around the ShowExtraForm1.
Add a . before the 'style' attribute, it's currently a syntax error.
And also, where are the actual forms you are trying to hide?