I am new in android and trying to make a calculator...
Now i have extracted whole expression in a charSequence variable.
e.g 30+69-(3-10)
Now i need to detect whether the first character of charSequence variable is either a number (0-9) or a character/operator.
i can use get.subSequence(0,1) but dont want to compare it with every number to decide whether its a number or not and if its a number then which one it is....
How can i compare it with every number using fewer conditions and also extract that specific number....
You can use:
This will tell you if a char is a number or not.
If it is not, you can assume it is an operator and treat it as such.
So an implementation could look like:
CharSequence chars = "1+2-3";
for(int i = 0; i < chars.length(); i++ ) {
if (Character.isDigit(chars.charAt(i))) {
//is digit
} else {
//is operator
*I don't have a java compiler available, so I cant promise that works at the moment.