There are a lot of online resources about how to use a Guice Provider to bind to a generic class, such as wiki entries like this and SOF questions like this. However, I am having trouble finding a resource about how to use a Provider that is generic itself.
For example, lets say I have the following:
public interface Foo {
public class Bar implements Foo {
As you can see, Bar has an injection parameter that MUST be in the constructor. In my situation, we cannot move this parameter to field or method injection.
So, now I want to write a Provider for Foo, but that it returns an instance of Bar. Something like this:
public class FooProvider<T extends Foo> extends Provider<Foo> {
public FooProvider(Object someParameterWeMustInjectIntoConstructor) {
public Foo get() {
return new Bar(...);
Notice how this class is a singleton that relies on Guice injection itself, so the Provider must be configured using .toProvider(FooProvider.class)
. We also can only use constructor injection and not method nor field injection, possibly because of a type hierarchy with this Provider.
I am trying to find some sort of was to use .toProvider(FooProvider<Bar>.class)
, but we all know that this is not valid Java syntax. Does anyone know how I can use the .toProvider(Class<? extends Provider>)
method of a Guice binder in a Module so I can use a generic Provider to create a concrete class of an implementation? Let me know if my question is a little confusing.
toProvider(new TypeLiteral<FooProvider<Bar>>() { });