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How can I get all nodes of a tree in RFT?

How can I get all nodes of tree in Rational Functional Tester?I have tried it using getTestdata() but couldn't solve the problem?

Code Snippet:

  ITestDataTree iTreeData =(ITestDataTree)businessObj.smi_LocTreePricingRules().getTestData("tree");
               ITestDataTreeNodes iNodes = iTreeData.getTreeNodes();
               System.out.println("node count:"+iNodes.getNodeCount());

               ITestDataTreeNode[] rootNodes = iNodes.getRootNodes();
             // System.out.println(iNodes.getNodeCount());
             //  ITestDataTreeNodes nodes= tree.getTreeNodes();

               for(int i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; i++) {
                genericObj.showTree(rootNodes[i]);   //This showTree method is present in another GenericLib class.                                                      public void showTree(ITestDataTreeNode node)

    //Recursive method to print out tree nodes with proper indenting.

    //Determine number of tabs to use - to properly indent tree

    //Print out node name + number of children
    //System.out.println(  node.getNode() + " (" + node.getChildCount() + "children)" );

    //Determine if node has children; recursively call this same
    //method to print out child nodes.
    ITestDataTreeNode[] children = node.getChildren();
    int childCount = ( children != null ? children.length : 0 );
    for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
    String synb = node.getNode().toString();

    System.out.println(  node.getNode() + " (" + node.getChildCount() + "children)" );


But this code is giving me direct children of root node.How can I get all nodes like children of children?


  • The getTestData("tree") API should be able to achieve the traversal of nodes of a tree. Can you please share the code snippet where you are trying to get all the nodes of the tree?

    In case you require a snippet, you can use the one below:

    public printTreeNodes(){
    //Declare variables for tree
            ITestDataTree cdTree;
            ITestDataTreeNodes cdTreeNodes;
            ITestDataTreeNode[] cdTreeNode;
            //Variables to hold tree data
                    //tree_mytree() is the tree object you want to traverse
            cdTree = (ITestDataTree)tree_mytree().getTestData("tree");
            cdTreeNodes = cdTree.getTreeNodes();
            cdTreeNode = cdTreeNodes.getRootNodes();
            //Print out total number of nodes
            System.out.println ("Tree Total Node Count: " + cdTreeNodes.getNodeCount());
            System.out.println ("Tree Root Node Count : " + cdTreeNodes.getRootNodeCount());
            //Iterate through tree branches; this is a recursive method.
            for (int i = 0;i<cdTreeNode.length;++i)
            showTree(cdTreeNode[i], 0);
    void showTree(ITestDataTreeNode node, int indent)
        //Recursive method to print out tree nodes with proper indenting.
        //Determine number of tabs to use - to properly indent tree
        int tabCount = ( indent < tabs.length() ? indent :
            tabs.length() );
        //Print out node name + number of children
        System.out.println(tabs.substring(0, tabCount) + node.getNode() + " (" + node.getChildCount() + "children)" );
        //Determine if node has children; recursively call this same
        //method to print out child nodes.
        ITestDataTreeNode[] children = node.getChildren();
        int childCount = ( children != null ? children.length : 0 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
            showTree(children[i], indent+1);
    //String of tabs used to indent tree view
    final String tabs = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";