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Getting all nodes in a BeanTreeView

I have a BeanTreeView that shows a some nodes. And I have another component that isn't netbeans-related that needs to know what is in the tree at this moment. Preferably just a straight list of the nodes in the tree. (Clarification; when I talk about nodes here I mean netbeans nodes, not the TreeNodes in a JTree.)

I haven't found any useful methods of doing this. I can't seem to get the information from the associated ExplorerManager that's connected to the BeanTreeView. So far I've subclassed the BeanTreeView and added the private method

private List<Object> getNodesAsList(){
    LinkedList<Object> result = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.getRowCount(); i++) {
        TreePath pathForRow = tree.getPathForRow(i);
        Object lastPathComponent = pathForRow.getLastPathComponent();
    return result;

The Object I get from getLastPathComponent is a VisualizerNode, which holds the node I want to get. But I can't cast to VisualizerNode since it's not public in org.openide.explorer.view. And it's final. And there's no getters for the node anyway...

Any ideas? I feel like there's something I've missed with the ExplorerManager...

Update; this worked for me, could probably be done more elegant. Thanks paddy!

private List<Node> getNodesInTree(){
    LinkedList<Node> result = new LinkedList<>();
    ExplorerManager em = ExplorerManager.find(this);
    for (Node node : em.getRootContext().getChildren().getNodes()) {
    return result;

private List<Node> getChildNodesInTree(Node root){
    LinkedList<Node> result = new LinkedList<>();
    if(root.getChildren().getNodesCount() > 0){
            for (Node node : root.getChildren().getNodes()) {
    return result;


  • You could use ExplorerManager.getRootContext(). This returns the root Node shown in your ExplorerManager. From this node you could iterate through all the other nodes (using Node.getChildren()) and create your own list. I am not aware of a function that handles that for you.