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How to assign current directory to a dropbox folder

I am writing a Matlab code and want to have access to it from different desktops so I am keeping everything in dropbox. I'm wondering if there is a way to tell Matlab the current path without changing the code every time I use a different machine. For example the following line is in my code, but I'd like to make it more general for use on every computer. How can I tell MATLAB the correct path to my file?

[num,txt,raw]= xlsread('C:\Users\Zahra\Documents\dropbox \data.xlsx');


  • Dropbox folder is base64-coded at host.db file in a folder that is situated at AppData folder in Windows. I'm not shure if it is crossplatform, but works at my system and my dropbox.

    f = getapplicationdatadir('dropbox', 0, 0);
    hostdb = fopen([f '/host.db']);
    %skip line
    s = fgetl(hostdb);
    path = sprintf('%s', base64decode(s));