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Translating errno to string in vxworks

In vxworks, when an api call returns ERROR, it often sets errno.

We can access this using errnoGet(), and, from the shell, we can translate that into a meaningful string using printErrno()

Is there a function I can call from my C code that will do this translation and return a char* suitable?

The example below illustrates, however note that this is a MVCE, and use of printf is for example only - in the real world this would be used as part of a custom error handler that does not do screen output.


STATUS badFunc()
    return ERROR;

void anotherFunc()
        //currently, I end up just calling printErrno() here
        //but if there was some function errnoToText() i could do something like:

        printf("badFunc failed, errno %d, error string%s",errnoGet(), errnoToText(errnoGet()));

I am sure I used to have such a function available, but I cant find any reference in the programmers guide.


  • You can use strerror():

    fprint( stderr, "error: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );