My rewriting with PrettyFaces for an error page doesn't work for a h:link and I don't understand why.
My link should redirect to login.xhtml
and it should be /Login
What is happening, do I miss something?
My rewrite rules navigation :
My web.xml for error page handling and Pretty Filter configuration:
<filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>
My pretty-config.xml:
<url-mapping id="login">
<pattern value="/Login" />
<view-id value="/login.xhtml" />
My pageNotFound.xhtml:
<rich:panel style="width:50%;margin-top:100px;" header="Page Not Found.">
<h:link value="Login page" outcome="login" />
Basically, you're mixing Prettyfaces' view id with JSF's one. You can't directly use this id in JSF context, you need to tell it that it's a pretty id. This should work:
<h:link value="Login page" outcome="pretty:login" />
Also if you prefer to use JSF id, you could use /login directly instead:
<h:link value="Login page" outcome="/login" />
Prettyfaces' filter should take into account that it's a mapped id and redirect to your /Login url directly.