Basically I', going through a code and encountered the following ajax call using jQuery:
url: '<cfoutput>#rootUrl#/#SessionPath#</cfoutput>/cfc/xyz.cfc?
1) I have gone through the xyz.cfc
many times and unable to find any method with name, AddNewBatch
. Am I doing something wrong? Please clarify.
2) Also, could you explain what the returnformat in the URL is doing? Or please let me know if there's any documentation available for the type of returnformat mentioned in above url, I'll go through that.
Others are alluding to it already, but it's possible that your xyz.cfc extends another CFC that does have the method AddNewBatch(). Look at the top of the xyz.cfc code and see if the component line has an "extends" attribute. If so, find that CFC and you may find your method.
If you're not familiar, one CFC can "extend" another, meaning that it includes all of its functions AND the functions of the extended CFC. This is an object oriented concept.