I have a page with multiple forms. I can simulate a required field via
$('form').submit(function () {
var empty_fields = $('input, textarea').filter(function () {
//return empty required fields
return $(this).attr("required") && $(this).val() === "";
// if empty required field stop the form submitting and let the user know
if (empty_fields.length) {
alert('All required fields must have data');
return false;
But if there are multiple forms on a page and one has a required field, then the other forms are impacted.
why not use 'this' to reference the 'form' element you binded your submit handler to:
$('form').submit(function () {
var $this = $(this); // $(this) is the 'form' field tag you binded to
var empty_fields = $this.find('input, textarea').filter(function () {
//return empty required fields
return $(this).attr("required") && $(this).val() === "";
// if empty required field stop the form submitting and let the user know
if (empty_fields.length) {
alert('All required fields must have data');
return false;
so this way you are only taking action on the scope of 'this' which is the form element your binding the submit to, and then *find*ing a input and textarea tag within it