I have emacs + sbcl + slime installed. I have this function defined
(defun jugar ()
(let* ((nodoActual *nodo-inicial*)
(estadoActual (nodo-estado nodoActual))
(timeStart nil)
(timeEnd nil)
(loop while (not (es-estado-final estadoActual)) do
(setf *hojas* 0)
(setf timeStart (get-universal-time))
(setf nodoActual (decision-minimax nodoActual *profundidad* timeStart))
(setf timeEnd (get-universal-time))
(setf estadoActual (nodo-estado nodoActual))
(imprime-en-fichero estadoActual)
(format t "Hojas analizadas: ~a ~%" *hojas*)
(format t "Tiempo empleado: ~a ~%~%" time))
that makes a series of calls and print some variables in a loop.
The problem is when I call (jugar)
from the *slime-repl sbcl*
buffer, the prompt waits until (jugar)
execution ends for showing all the (format …)
together. I tried the same from a terminal (running sbcl) and it works well, so I guess it is something related to emacs or slime. How can I fix it?
Add (force-output) after last (format ) call.