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Inserting into SQL using an OpenXml

Hi I am trying to insert data into an SQL Server Database using an XML file which has some data as follows.I was able to do the attribute mapping in OPENXML.If i try to pass the XML as elements instead of attributes i get an error regarding the null insertion.

Following is my XML FILE (containg attributes)

  <SampleDataTable id="20" Name="as" Address="aaa" Email="aa" Mobile="123" />

I am successful using the above format.If i use the below format i face errors


This is my openXML in SQL

 insert into @tempTable
    select * from openxml (@xmlHandle,'ROOT/Customer/',1)
    with (Cust_id int '@id',
          Customer_Name varchar(30) '@Name',
          Address varchar(30) '@Address',
          Email_id varchar(30) '@Email',
          Mobile_no bigint '@Mobile'

    Insert into Test.dbo.tblCustomers (Cust_id,Customer_Name,Address,Email,Mobile_No) (select * from @tempTable)

please help


  • It's because you're trying to fetch data as attributes, but int your xml data is inside elements. Try this:

    insert into @tempTable
    select *
    from openxml (@xmlHandle,'ROOT/Customer/',1)
    with (Cust_id int '@id',
          Customer_Name varchar(30) 'Name[1]',
          Address varchar(30) 'Address[1]',
          Email_id varchar(30) 'Email[1]',
          Mobile_no bigint 'Mobile[1]'

    Or you can do this without openxml:

        t.c.value('Name[1]', 'varchar(30)') as Name,
        t.c.value('Address[1]', 'varchar(30)') as Address,
        t.c.value('Email[1]', 'varchar(30)') as Email,
        t.c.value('Mobile[1]', 'bigint') as Mobile
    from @Data.nodes('Customer') as t(c)

    sql fiddle demo