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C++ Singleton/Active Object Paradigm

I was wondering how you would make a class where you create several instances i.e

Session o1 = new Session();
Session o2 = new Session();

You could then make these sessions the active session like so.


Then at any point in my code I could go:


and it would return the active session object or create new one if one doesn't exist. Only one session can be the active session at any one time, so if a session is told to become the active session then the old one is deactivated.

So my question is, how would I make something like this ?


  • You should be able to take most any of the common Singleton implementations, and modify it to be a manager with CreateNew() and SetActive() functions available.

    // Session.h
    class ActiveSessionManager;
    class Session
      void MakeActiveSession();
      friend class ActiveSessionManager;
    // ActiveSessionManager.h
    class ActiveSessionManager
      static Session *GetActiveSession()
        if ( s_active == nullptr )
          s_active = new Session();
        return s_active;
      static void SetActiveSession( Session *session )
        s_active = session; 
      static Session *CreateNewSession()
        return new Session();
      static Session *CreateNewActiveSession()
        s_active = CreateNewSession();
        return s_active;
      static Session *s_active;
    // I would put these in cpps.
    Session *ActiveSessionManager::s_active = nullptr;
    void Session::MakeActiveSession()
      ActiveSessionManager::SetActiveSession( this );

    In my implementation I only allow ActiveSessionManager to instance Sessions, as it would then be able to keep track of all sessions generated ( the tracking is left as an exercise for the reader ).

    You could combine the manager and session into a single class as well, but I find the separation easier to follow.