I´m trying to set the icon for a jLabel object and it doesn´t work. I use a method that returns a ImageIcon object if the .getClass().getResource(path) is different from null, and if the resource is null it display a message "The resource couldn´t be found: path to the file", but the file is there!!!. If i don´t select a file a default ImageIcon is apply instead and this work without problems. I don´t know why this doesn´t work.
private void jButton9ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
try {
JFrame upFile = new JFrame();
File fichero = new File("");
File x = new File("");
CopyFile copy= new CopyFile();
JFileChooser upfile = new JFileChooser(fichero.getCanonicalPath());
int op = upfile.showOpenDialog(upFile);
if (op == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
fichero = upfile.getSelectedFile();
File destino = new File(x.getCanonicalPath()+"\\src\\img\\libros_fotos\\"+fichero.getName());
copy.copyFile(fichero, destino);
// commented out as suggested
else {SetLibro("/img/blank.jpg");
// commented out as suggested
//this.repaint(); }
} catch (IOException ex) {
Try to add
after adding Icon