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Set url parameter in redirect in zend framework v2

I have following redirect script in my controller (Zend Framework 2)

return $this->redirect()->toRoute('default', array(
                        'controller' => 'admin',
                        'action' =>  'index'

Currently redirecting to localhost/zf2/public/admin/index

How can I redirect with an extra parameter?



or localhost/zf2/public/admin/index/page/2

I have tried this :

return $this->redirect()->toRoute('default', array(
                        'controller' => 'admin',
                        'action' =>  'index'
                            'param' => 'updated/1'

But is redirected to localhost/ttacounting/public/admin/index/updated%2F1


  • This one is working example. The route script

    $this->redirect()->toRoute('myaccount', array(
        'controller' => 'admin',
        'action' =>  'index',
        'param1' =>'updated',

    Then, setting the parameter in module.config.php

    'myaccount' => array(
        'type' => 'Segment',
        'options' => array(
        'route'    => '/myaccount[/:action][/:param1][/:param2]',
        'defaults' => array(
                'controller' => 'Main\Controller\MyAccount',
                'action'     => 'index',

    This will bring you to MyAccountController, indexAction with param1='updated' and param2='1'. But in your example case, the action should be update with parameter name 'update' and parameter value '1'