I have an HTML5/javscript app which uses
<input type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera" onchange="gotPhoto(this)">
to capture a camera image. Because my app wants to be runnable offline, how do I save the File (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File) object in local storage, such that it can be retrieved later for an ajax upload?
I'm grabbing the file object from the using ...
function gotPhoto(element) {
var file = element.files[0];
//I want to save 'file' to local storage here :-(
I can Stringify the object and save it, but when I restore it, it is no longer recognised as a File object, and thus can't be used to grab the file content.
I have a feeling it can't be done, but am open to suggestions.
FWIW My workaround is to read the file contents at store time and save the full contents to local storage. This works, but quickly consumes local storage since each file is a 1MB plus photograph.
You cannot serialize file API object.
Not that it helps with the specific problem, but ... Although I haven't used this, if you look at the article it seems that there are ways (although not supported yet by most browsers) to store the offline image data to some files so as to restore them afterward when the user is online (and not to use localStorage)