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Integrate Specs2 results with Jenkins

I want to integrate the Specs2 test results with Jenkins.

I was added the below properties in sbt:


"maven specs2"      at  ""


"org.specs2"              %% "specs2"            % "2.0-RC1"                  % "test",

System Property:

testOptions in Test += Tests.Setup(() => System.setProperty("specs2.outDir", "/target/specs2-reports"))              //Option1

//testOptions in Test += Tests.Setup(() => System.setProperty("specs2.junit.outDir", "/target/specs2-reports"))    //Option2

testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.Specs2, "console", "junitxml")

If I run the below command, it is not generating any specs reports in the above mentioned directory("/target/specs2-reports").

sbt> test

If I run the below command, it is asking for the directory as shown in the below error message:

sbt> test-only -- junitxml

[error] Could not run test code.model.UserSpec: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: junitxml requires directory to be specified, example: junitxml(directory="xxx")

And it is working only if I give the directory as shown below:

sbt> test-only -- junitxml(directory="\target\specs-reports")

But sometimes its not generating all the specs report xmls (some times generating only one report, sometimes only two reports etc.).

If I give test-only -- junitxml(directory="\target\specs-reports") in the jenkins it is giving the below error.

[error] Not a valid key: junitxml (similar: ivy-xml)
[error] junitxml(
[error]         ^

My main goal is, I want to generate the consolidated test reports in junit xml format and integrate with Jenkins. Kindly help me to solve my problem.

Best Regards,



  • The option for the junitxml output directory is: "specs2.junit.outDir" and the default value is "target/test-reports".

    So if you don't change anything you could just instruct Jenkins to grab the xml files from "target/test-reports" which is what I usually do.

    Also you might have to enclose your sbt commands in Jenkins with quotes. This is what I typically do:

    "test-only -- html junitxml console"