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Change affinity of process with windows script

In Windows, with

 START /node 1 /affinity ff cmd /C "app.exe"

I can set the affinity of app.exe (number of cores used by app.exe).

With a windows script, How I can change the affinity of a running process ?


  • PowerShell can do this task for you.

    Get Affinity
    $Process = Get-Process app
    $Process | Select-Object ProcessorAffinity
    Set Affinity
    $Process = Get-Process app
    $Process.ProcessorAffinity = 255

    Example ( 8 Core Processor )

    Core # Value BitMask
    Core 1 1 0x00000001
    Core 2 2 0x00000010
    Core 3 4 0x00000100
    Core 4 8 0x00001000
    Core 5 16 0x00010000
    Core 6 32 0x00100000
    Core 7 64 0x01000000
    Core 8 128 0x10000000

    Just add the decimal values together for which core you want to use.

    • All 8 Cores = Value: 255 = BitMask: 0x11111111

    Using with cmd.exe

    You can use the PowerShell code from within the cmd shell by calling the PowerShell process with the code as an argument. Separate commands with a semi-colon.

    > powershell.exe "Get-Process notepad++ | Select-Object ProcessorAffinity"
    > powershell.exe "$p = Get-Process notepad++; $p.ProcessorAffinity = 13"
    > powershell.exe "Get-Process notepad++ | Select-Object ProcessorAffinity"


    Here is a nicely detailed post on how to change a process's affinity:

    Setting Processor Affinity @ EnergizedTech /
    (the broken images weren't important)