I am new to the cxf webservices.
I have a webservice class in whihc i have a method to delete a student based on id send in request through a html form.
@Description(value="Delete the identified student")
public Response deleteStudent(@RequestParam("studentId")
@Description(value="Student ID to delete") final String studentId) {
Now my problem is this that when i try to access this url as localhost/student/deleteStudent?studentId=abc
I am getting studentId as empty string "" instead of "abc". Is i am doing something wrong?
Any help will be very helpful.
I got this problem solved. We should use @FormParam instead of @RequestParam on the method to get the parameter's value in the url.
@Description(value="Delete the identified student")
public Response deleteStudent(
@Description(value="Student ID to delete")
final String studentId) {