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Enumerate image files from a directory

I would like to get a list of all image files in a given folder.

Dim targetFolder As String = "C:\Data\"    
Dim imagefiles = From file In Directory.EnumerateFiles(targetFolder)

For Each f In imagefiles
    'do something

The above lists however all file types. How to change it to return only image file types?


  • Image files could have multiple extensions, but EnumerateFiles could take only one extension in its overload. You could overcome this limitation providing a list of file extensions and using the IEnumerable methods Where and Any

    Dim targetFolder As String = "C:\Data"    
    Dim imgExtensions() As string  = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".png" }
    Dim imageFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(targetFolder) _ 
                     .Where(Function(s) imgExtensions _
                     .Any(Function(x) x = Path.GetExtension(s)))
    For Each file in imageFiles