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Textmate bookmark behavior on emacs

Is there a way to have the same behavior as Textmate's bookmark functions in emacs?

In Textmate, after I bookmark a line (with an F key - no need to name it), I can return to it with another F key (again, without the need to name the bookmark).

Beside that, I can have several unamed bookmarks on a page, and cicle through them just pressind the "go-to bookmark" F Key.

Let's break the question:

  • It's possible to bookmark lines on a file without the need to name them and without the need to press RET?
  • It's possible to have several unamed bookmarks on a single file?
  • It's possible to cicle between them, also without the need to press RET?

Thanks in advance! :)


  • You ask:

    • It's possible to bookmark lines on a file without the need to name them and without the need to press RET?
    • It's possible to have several unamed bookmarks on a single file?
    • It's possible to cicle between them, also without the need to press RET?

    Yes, yes, and yes. And much more --- using Bookmark+.

    For the first two questions, see the doc section about autonamed bookmarks. For the third question, see the section about cycling among a set of bookmarks (e.g., the autonamed bookmarks in the current buffer).