The task is to send an XML object from Channel-A to Channel-B
The steps of the channel communication:
as normal.The good news is that I can extract the HL7v2 'payload' into a variable. The problem or difficulty is resetting the msg
object, or any other object to be able to reference the HL7 properties as expected.
When I create a new variable with the SerializerFactory.getHL7Serializer
, it wraps with the tags <HL7Message>
channelMap.put('MessageID', msg['ID']); //successful
channelMap.put('v2payload',msg['HL7v2']); //also looks good
var v2Msg = SerializerFactory.getHL7Serializer(false,false,true).toXML(msg['HL7v2']);
channelMap.put('v2Msg', v2Msg );
Question: Do you have any suggestions on how to overwrite the msg object?
How can I start referencing the msg as such:
Current Conditions
I'm sorry my original answer was bogged down with the peculiarities of my own scenario. I have reworked and tested to ensure that this works in your scenario.
Sending Channel - wraps the raw hl7 into your xml structure, and forwards to a channel called ReceiveXML. I have coded this in the Source Transformer, but you should code it where it works for you.
var wrappedHL7 = <MyMessage><ID>123</ID>
router.routeMessage("ReceiveXML", wrappedHL7);
Receiving Channel - extracts the hl7 from the xml, converts it to xml, and assigns back to the msg object. I have coded this in the source Filter - hence "return true;"
msg = new XML(SerializerFactory.getHL7Serializer(false,false,true).toXML(msg['hl7v2'].toString()));
return true;