Is there a way of writing this logic in a single, elegant line of code?
<cfif ThumbnailWidth EQ 0>
<cfset Width = 75>
<cfset Width = ThumbnailWidth>
Coldfusion 9:
<!--- Syntax: ((condition) ? trueStatement : falseStatement) --->
<cfset width = ((ThumbnailWidth EQ 0) ? 75 : ThumbnailWidth) />
Coldfusion 8 and below:
<!--- Syntax: IIf(condition, trueStatement, falseStatement) --->
<cfset width = IIf((ThumbnailWidth EQ 0), 75, ThumbnailWidth) />
Some will say that IIf() is to be avoided for performance reasons. In this simple case I'm sure you'll find no difference. Ben Nadel's Blog has more discussion on IIF() performance and the new ternary operator in CF 9.