Search code examples

Where is the logical error in this C program?

This is a simple program: pass user input via the main function in order to compute the range of a series of integers. However, the program is defaulting to the usage function. In other words, it does not seem to accept input from the command line.

The program executes, but somewhere along the way it reaches a condition where the usage message is printed to the terminal.

Here's the program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

int range(int a[], int *n, int *rng){
  int i; //Dummy variable
  int min;
  int max;

  //Validate input
  if(!a || !n || !rng || *n <= 0) return -1;

  //Main execution
  min = a[0];
  max = a[0];

  for(i=0; i<*n; i++){
                     min = a[i];
                     max = a[i];  
  *rng = max-min;
  return 0;

void printUsage() {
   printf("\nUsage:[-s <series of at least two integers>] [-h help].");

int main(int argc, char **argv){
int setInt[100];
int i; //Dummy index
int n; //Temp variable
int err;
int rng;

//Run some tests to determine validity of input
for(i=0; i<argc; i++){

         //Is there at least some user input?
         if(argc == 1){ 
                 return -1;
         //Determine if the user requested usage
         if(strcmp("-h", argv[i]) == 0){
                              return -1; //TRY REMOVING LATER TO SEE IF PROGRAM CAN KEPP RUNNING
         //Determine if the user entered some data
         else if(strcmp("-s", argv[i]) == 0){
                              //There must be at least TWO arguments after this call
                              if((i+1) == argc || (i+2) == argc){
                                     return -1;

                              //Start another loop to fill an array of values the user entered
                              //Reuse i, but start at three to grap the first supposed integer
                              for(i=3; i < argc; i++){
                                       err = sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &n);
                                       if(err == 0) {//The input wasn't an integer
                                              return -1;
                                       else {
                                            assert(err == 1);
                                            setInt[i-3] = n; //Store the variable in an array


         else{//unknown input
                        return -1;
//For bracket

//Call the function

printf("The range of values entered is %d.", rng);
range(setInt, &argc, &rng);
return 0;
//Main bracket


  • the problem is that you don't increment i before looking for -s change the line

         else if(strcmp("-s", argv[i]) == 0){ //i is still zero, so argv[i] is the command entered


         else if(strcmp("-s", argv[++i]) == 0){

    (add ++ before the i) and it won't print usage.