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Are there iOS devices that can monitor iBeacons but not range them?

Or asked another way will

[CLLocationManager isMonitoringAvailableForClass:[CLBeaconRegion class]]


[CLLocationManager isRangingAvailable]

ever return different values?


  • Short answer: No, there are not any iOS devices that can monitor iBeacons but not range them. Both methods will return the same value if isMonitoringAvailableForClass is given a CLBeaconRegion instance.

    The reason the API looks this way is because the isMonitoringAvailableForClass method can be called with classes other than a CLBeaconRegion class. CLCircularRegion is used for monitoring geofence regions. The method might return NO when passed CLBeaconRegion on a device without LE Bluetooth, and return YES when passed a CLCircularRegion on the same device.