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Hoare triple with unknown variable in postcondition

I am reasoning about an Hoare Logic's exercise.

I should find all the boolean expressions B and all the programs S and P which satisfy the triple {true} if B then S; if B then P; {a >= 0}, assuming that the evaluation of B cannot modify the store, but the execution of S may modify it and change the value of B.

In particular, I don't know what I can say about a, because it is present just in the postcondition and I have never found an example like this.

Thanks for your help!


  • (My previous answer was wrong.)

    The question is kind of open-ended since there are an infinite number of expressions (B) and programs (S and P) satisfying the triple. Also, the triple is complex enough to prevent reducing the task to a simple general answer.

    Basically you could break it down as follows:

    • For all states in which B is false, a >= 0 must hold (otherwise the triple as a whole could not hold)
    • For the states in which B is true, the program S; if B then P must ensure that a >= 0
    • This holds for all S, B and P such that...
      • either S makes B false and a >= 0
      • or, S makes B true, and ...,
