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Change message header in Java box with "if" and "else"

How do I change the message header in a showMessageDialog if I have several strings and integers working together?

This is how I can make it work:

showMessageDialog (null, "string", "where I change the name of the box", INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

This is where I can't make it work:

if (price >= 300) {
    deduction = price * 0.10;
    price = price - deduction;

    showMessageDialog (null, "Total price: ", 
                "where I want to change the        name", INFORMATION_MESSAGE 
                + price + " ." + " Received deduction: " + deduction);

Eclipse gives the following error message:

"The method showMessageDialog (Component, Object, String, int) in the type JOptionPane is not applicable for the arguments (null, String, String, String)" and suggests that I create method showMessageDialog (Object, String, String, String).

Any suggestions? :)


  • INFORMATION_MESSAGE is a constant that defines the message type. Try using this way instead:

    showMessageDialog(null, "Total price: ", price + " ." + " Received deduction: " + deduction, INFORMATION_MESSAGE);