I found this example in this SO for delegation. I fail to see why this not an aggregation relationship? The Secretary
object continues to exist even if boss
object is destroyed
public interface Worker() {
public Result work();
public class Secretary() implements Worker {
public Result work() {
Result myResult = new Result();
return myResult;
can someone explain why this is delegation but not aggregation?
public class Boss() implements Worker {
private Secretary secretary;
public Result work() {
return secretary.work();
If it were aggregation then the aggregated object would have a subsidiary lifecycle to the container. I.e. if the container goes away, so does the contained object. From the Wikipedia page for Composition
Composition is a kind of association where the composite object has sole responsibility for the disposition of the component parts. The relationship between the composite and the component is a strong “has a” relationship, as the composite object takes ownership of the component. This means the composite is responsible for the creation and destruction of the component parts.