I have several services deployed as EJBs on a JBoss-AS-7.1 server. Many applications use these EJBs by doing a lookup like this:
@EJB(lookup = "java:global/FooService/FooBean!com.xyz.FooBeanRemote")
private FooBeanRemote fooBeanRemote;
The problem is that the lookup string is hard-coded in the source. I want to be able to change this lookup at runtime - without a re-compilation - because FooService may be updated some time in the future, and perhaps have a different implementation. In addition, the ejb could also move to a different server instance.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
--EDIT--- Quick HOWTO about last point:
1. Create qualifier
public @interface FooService {
2. Create producer method
public class EJBProducer {
@EJB(lookup = "java:global/FooService/FooBean!com.xyz.FooBeanRemote")
private FooBeanRemote fooBeanRemote;
3. Use in your code
@Inject @FooService
private FooBeanRemote fooBeanRemote;
Two first points may be in another jar archive (remember to include there META-INF/beans.xml file). You can also use producer method instead of field, and access ejb programmatically.