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Using Swing JDialog OK / Cancel button icons along with a custom icon

I'm creating a dialog via JOptionPane.showOptionDialog. If I set Object[] options = null and set int optionType = JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, I get nice OK and Cancel buttons, with text and icons (perhaps look-and-feel specific?).

However I want to add a third button with my own Icon, so I'm explicitly specifying Object[] options = new Object[] {"OK", "Cancel", <some Icon object>}. The Icon object looks great, but now I have ugly text buttons for OK and Cancel.

Is there a way to keep the "built-in" OK and Cancel buttons while also adding my own?


  • Instead of using strings for "OK" and "Cancel" options, use JLabels with icons, or plain icons.

    It's right about here that I usually delve into the source code of showOptionDialog to see how it sets up the JOptionPane (after all, it's just a convenience method), and that shows what is needed to do to accomplish the desired result.

    This seems to work:

    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.add(new JButton("OK"));
    panel.add(new JButton("Cancel"));
    panel.add(new JButton("Custom"));
    JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Message", "Title", JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
      JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, new Object[] { panel }, null);

    Of course I didn't add icons for this test (and I just ran it from main, so there's no parent component); adding them to a button is trivial. You'll have to supply your own ActionListeners to set the selection and close the dialog.

    If you want the stock icons, you'll have to get them from UIManager.getIcon(String) -- finding its name will be the harder part. I don't see icons on the stock JOptionPane buttons on a Mac, even using the Metal theme.