I've played a bit with Knockout validation and now I wondering is it possible to extend Knockout so that every view model have observable with list of errors which i get from validation? In general i have
self.validationData = {
name: ko.observable('').validateUpperEmail(),
childName: ko.observable('').validateOther(),
errorList: ko.observableArray([])
var errors = ko.validation.group(self.validationData);
var showErrorMessages = function () {
linqjs.from(errors()).distinct('$._latestValue').forEach(function(errorMessage) {
self.validationData.errorList.push({ text: errorMessage() });
Question is: is there a way to populate errorList from some other place so that i can easily remove this property from every single view model and just use inherited one?
You can use knockouts extend feature.
var baseModel = function() {
var self = this;
self.errorList = ko.observable('This is an example');
var childModel = function() {
var self = this;
self.name = ko.observable('Test1');
self.childName = ko.observable('');
ko.utils.extend(self, new baseModel());
Here's the fiddle.