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Thread safety Hector queries

I'm using Hector to read from Cassandra DB.

I would like to know if Hector's queries objects are thread safe, specifically I would like to know if the following are thread safe:

  • SliceQuery
  • StringSerializer.get()

I create my query using this code:

StringSerializer stringSerializer = StringSerializer.get();
query = HFactory.createSliceQuery(connectionEvent.getKeyspace(), stringSerializer, stringSerializer, stringSerializer);

Can I take this code to the class level, assuming it is thread safe and then use it in the class methods (which should be thread safe for a multi-threaded environment)?

I have found no documentation that relates to this subject. In case those objects are not thread safe I will make sure their initialization takes place inside the methods.


  • The StringSerializer is thread safe hence can be put in class level, the query on the other hand isn't hence needs to be created again during each request.