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Ruby template engine that looks like ruby syntax

I believe i've seen a template engine that uses ruby-like syntax, such as:

some_variable = 'bla bla'
res = div id:'yay' {
  button onclick: 'test()', class: 'btn btn-primary btn-xs'
  p some_variable
# generates: 
# <div id='yay'>
#   <button onclick='test()' class='btn btn-primary btn-xs'></button>
#   <p>bla bla</p>
# </div>

but i forgot the name of this template engine, anyone know the name of this template engine?


  • This is just a standard implementation of the Builder design pattern in a language with first-class and higher-order subroutines. There are many such implementations in Ruby, including XML::Builder, Markaby, Erector and countless others.