I try to parse the following Java resources file - which is an XML. I am parsing using C# and XDocument tools, so not a Java question here.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="problem"> test </string>
<string name="no_problem"> test </string>
The problem is that XDocument.Load(string path) method load this as an XDocument with 2 identical XElements.
I load the file.
string filePath = @"c:\res.xml"; // whatever
var xDocument = XDocument.Load(filePath);
When I parse the XDocument object, here is the problem.
foreach (var node in xDocument.Root.Nodes())
if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
var xElement = node as XElement;
if (xElement != null) // just to be sure
var elementText = xElement.Value;
Console.WriteLine("Text = '{0}', Length = {1}",
elementText, elementText.Length);
This produces the following 2 lines :
"Text = ' test ', Length = 6"
"Text = ' test ', Length = 6"
I want to get the following 2 lines :
"Text = ' test ', Length = 6"
"Text = ' test ', Length = 16"
Document encoding is UTF8, if this is relevant somehow.
string filePath = @"c:\res.xml"; // whatever
var xDocument = XDocument.Load(filePath);
String one = (xDocument.Root.Nodes().ElementAt(0) as XElement).Value;//< test >
String two = (xDocument.Root.Nodes().ElementAt(1) as XElement).Value;//< test >
Console.WriteLine(one == two); //false
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", (int)one[0], (int)two[0]));//160 32
You have two different strings, and  
is there, but in unicode format.
One possible way to get things back is manually replace non-breaking space to " "
String result = one.Replace(((char) 160).ToString(), " ");