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Struts html tag inside <script>

I know that this is a very noob and dumb question, but I need help. Tried several topics and none's working.

So I'm trying to pass a List created in Struts2(java) into javascript to draw a chart using highlight. I've read several articles and come up with this:

$(function drawList() {
var list = [
<c:forEach items="${listFromJava}" var="alistFromJava">
{itemName: "${alistFromJava.attribute}"},

However it never works, and always ends up with: Static attribute must be a String literal, its illegal to specify an expression.

If I try:

list = '<s:property value="listFromJava"/>

then it returns the reference only.

Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • To avoid confusion while googling:

    <c:forEach is JSTL

    ${listFromJava} is EL

    <s:property is STRUTS2 UI TAG

    listFromJava (or %{listFromJava}") is OGNL

    The Struts2 Tag that replaces JSTL's forEach is <s:iterator>.

    Your function may be rewritten in pure Struts2 like this:

    $(function drawList() {
        var list = [
            <s:iterator value="listFromJava" >
                {itemName: '<s:property escapeJavascript="true" value="attribute"/>'},

    To prevent the last element to have an undesidered comma, use <s:if>

    $(function drawList() {
        var list = [
            <s:iterator value="listFromJava" status="stat">
                <s:if test="#stat.index>0">,</s:if>
                {itemName: '<s:property escapeJavascript="true" value="attribute"/>'}

    EDIT: added the escaping needed to prevent javascript injection issues (escapeJavascript="true").