I am working on a Rails App using Asset pipeline. The development.rb has the following:
config.assets.compress = false
config.assets.compile = true
config.assets.debug = true
In Dev environment, the assets are not bundled up and each is served up by Rails individually. At this point, the number of assets that are getting served individually are more than 50. Hence, full page reloads are extremely slow.
I would like to concatenate them atleast in a few assets for faster loading time on dev environment but doing that, I loose the ability to debug/see them individually in Chrome dev tools. Example: http://d.pr/i/ZFge
There are two ways to solve this in my knowledge, after you do:
config.assets.debug = false
and start serving them as concatenated assets.
Is there a guide on how I can enable them on a rails app ? I dont use CoffeeScript so https://github.com/markbates/coffee-rails-source-maps is not helpful. Most Google Searches lead to that.
I am looking for a solution for native JS.
I haven't seen an existing solution for this problem. But building one will be quite straight forward.
The following assumes gem uglifier
is the js compressor in use.
Version 2 of uglifier has a mechanism to create sourcemap. It has the following syntax
uglified, source_map = Uglifier.new.compile_with_map(source)
Rails asset pipeline allows to specify custom JS Compressor (with a compress
method) using the following syntax
config.assets.js_compressor = Transformer.new
read about that here
A simple Transformer class would look like the following
class Transformer
def compress(string)
if Rails.env.development?
output, sourcemap = Uglifier.new.compile_with_map(string)
# write the sourcemap to a file somewhere under public
sourcemap_comment = "//@ sourceMappingURL=#{sourcemap_path}}\n"
return output + sourcemap_comment
Note: This is not full solution just explaining the concepts. You can build on this and add ways to make it more robust.