TestNG property "delegateCommandSystemProperties" is not working with maven surefire plugin.
I am trying to run a single test in testng.xml which uses parameter named "count"
Eventhough I pass the variable as below
mvn test -Dcount=2 -Dtest=<XXXXXX>
the error thrown is
Parameter 'count' is required by @Test on method XXXXXX but has not been marked @Optional or defined
Has anyone tried to use delegateCommandSystemProperties with maven surefire???
pom.xml snippet where I configured the property
In a nutshell, I need help in passing parameter to testng test from maven surefire command!
delegateCommandSystemProperties is an ant task. In order to pass parameter in commandline from maven surefire following is the way
mvn test -DargLine="-Dcount=2"