How can I run a function at a given time and date?
Example: I have a function that needs to run on the 12th of each month at 10AM.
This page will be running 24/7, if this is important.
Obviously I'd have to compare against the current date, but I'm not sure how to check if the current date and time has been matched.
It's not advised to use setInterval
because it has non-deterministic behaviour - events can be missed, or fire all at once. Time will fall out of sync, too.
The code below instead uses setTimeout
with a one minute period, where each minute the timer is resynchronised so as to fall as closely to the hh:mm:00.000s point as possible.
function surprise(cb) {
(function loop() {
var now = new Date();
if (now.getDate() === 12 && now.getHours() === 12 && now.getMinutes() === 0) {
now = new Date(); // allow for time passing
var delay = 60000 - (now % 60000); // exact ms to next minute interval
setTimeout(loop, delay);