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Bubble Sort a List using LINQ?

I have a List of DirectoryInfo wich contains folder names like these:


The problem is that the "IO.Directory.GetDirectories" function returns the generic Microsoft Sort so my list is sorted as this:


I know the algorithm to Bubble sort (always I see the usage of a FOR and to generate other temporal objects, I don't like any Bubble sort method I've seen) and I hope if a Bubble Sort can be simplified using LINQ or other improved methods but not a For neither creating extra objects in memory.

How I can Bubble Sort the List(Of DirectoryInfo) by their Directory.Name property ? (obviouslly I want to preserve the DirectoryInfo objects, not to return a couple of sorted Strings), also is possibly to bubble sort it without reallocating the list using LINQ extensions?


If someone need the information this is the function that I'm using to get the DirectoryInfo list:

' Get Folders
Private Function Get_Folders(ByVal directory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean) As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo)
    Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
    Return IO.Directory.GetDirectories(directory, "*", searchOpt).Select(Function(p) New IO.DirectoryInfo(p)).ToList
End Function


Following the suggestions on question comments I'm trying to simplify all the code in just few lines using a regex and LINQ extensions treating the folder names as integers to sort them, the problem is it fails because I have some folders who can't be converted to numbers, this is a example folder names:


My question is If I can exlude the Non-Digits folders when sorting and then append that excluded folders to the sorted "integer" folder names, I ask this just to don't get all the folders two times to generate two different lists to join them.

Also notice the folder name "2000-2006", if I convert the name to integer I wouldn't get the expected result when sorting.

So just how I could Bubble sort the list folder name content treating them as what are?, strings, not numbers.

Public Class Form1

Dim regex As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("\D")

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Shown

    For Each folder In Get_Folders("E:\Música\Canciones", False) _
                       .OrderBy(Function(x) Convert.ToInt32(regex.Replace(x.Name, "")))

        ' Exception here, because a folder named "B.S.O" and other named as "Classic",
        ' obviouslly they can't be converted to Integer :(


End Sub

' Get Folders
Private Function Get_Folders(ByVal directory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean) As List(Of IO.DirectoryInfo)
    Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
    Return IO.Directory.GetDirectories(directory, "*", searchOpt).Select(Function(p) New IO.DirectoryInfo(p)).ToList
End Function

End Class


  • I translated the code in referenced question using Telerik's online converter. It works for your case too.

    Public Shared Function CustomSort(list As IEnumerable(Of String)) As IEnumerable(Of String)
        Dim maxLen As Integer = list.[Select](Function(s) s.Length).Max()
        Return list.[Select](Function(s) New With { _
            Key .OrgStr = s, _
            Key .SortStr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(s, "(\d+)|(\D+)", Function(m) m.Value.PadLeft(maxLen, If(Char.IsDigit(m.Value(0)), " "c, Char.MaxValue))) _
        }).OrderBy(Function(x) x.SortStr).[Select](Function(x) x.OrgStr)
    End Function