I have a tree structure in a .csv file (nodes are of type text), and after reading the csv i want to store the data in a ruby object. I went through a few tree plugins and i think nested_set would serve the purpose for me. However, i am facing problem with fixing a format of csv file, so that i can read it and convert into tree object. Is there any direct way of converting a csv file or 2 dimensional array, into a tree data structure??
After you clarified that you don't need to store this tree in database, I suggest to throw away NestedSets (they're to store nested sets of objects on RDBMS, which you don't need). What you need i simple tree
class Node
attr_accessor :parent, :children, :text
def initialize(text)
@text = text
@children = []
As I have right to choose format of CSV file, then I suggest sth like this:
Tree root is first row, without parent, and there is always order that parent is declared before its children. That way you can build tree
def build_tree(rows)
nodes = {}
rows.each do |row|
node = Node.new(row[:text])
nodes[row[:id]] = node
node.parent = nodes[row[:parent]]
nodes[row[:parent]].children << node if row[:parent]
nodes.values.find {|node| node.parent.nil? }
root = build_tree(rows)
root.text #=> "1"
root.children.map(&:text) #=> ["1.1", "1.2"]
root.children[0].children.map(&:text) #=> ["1.1.1"]
If you need to get all texts from subnodes, then you need to use more tricks
def get_nodes(tree_node)
[ tree_node, tree_node.children.map{|node| get_nodes(node)} ].flatten
get_nodes(root).map(&:text) #=> ["1", "1.1", "1.1.1", "1.2"]