Search code examples

Problems during Load

After running the following code, at the time of generating CSV output in excel file, I'm getting following error:

Problems during Load:
Missing file:  C:\CFIDE\scripts\ajax\resources\yui\yui.css
Missing File: C:\CFIDE\scripts\ajax\resources\cf\cf.css

The code I'm running is as follows:

<CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline; filename=stats.xls">
<cfcontent type="application/msexcel"><cfoutput>#Query2Excel(qONEQUERY)#</cfoutput> 

Here is the Query2Excel function:

function Query2Excel(query) {
    var InputColumnList = query.columnList;
    var Headers = query.columnList;

    var AlternateColor = "FFFFFF";
    var header = "";
    var headerLen = 0;
    var col = "";
    var colValue = "";
    var colLen = 0;
    var i = 1;
    var j = 1;
    var k = 1;

    var HTMLData = "";

    if (arrayLen(arguments) gte 2) {
        Headers = arguments[2];
    if (arrayLen(arguments) gte 3) {
        InputColumnList = arguments[3];

    if (arrayLen(arguments) gte 4) {
        AlternateColor = arguments[4];
    if (listLen(InputColumnList) neq listLen(Headers)) {
        return "Input Column list and Header list are not of equal length";

    HTMLData = HTMLData & "<table border=1><tr bgcolor=""C0C0C0"">";
    for (i=1;i lte ListLen(Headers);i=i+1){
        HTMLData = HTMLData & "<th width=""#headerLen#""><b>#header#</b></th>";
    HTMLData = HTMLData & "</tr>";
    for (j=1;j lte query.recordcount;j=j+1){
        if (j mod 2) {
            HTMLData = HTMLData & "<tr bgcolor=""FFFFFF"">";
        } else {
            HTMLData = HTMLData & "<tr bgcolor=""#alternatecolor#"">";
        for (k=1;k lte ListLen(InputColumnList);k=k+1) {
            if (NOT Len(colValue)) {
            if (isNumeric(colValue) and Len(colValue) gt 10) {
            HTMLData = HTMLData & "<td width=""#colLength#"">#colValue#</td>";
    HTMLData = HTMLData & "</tr>";
    HTMLData = HTMLData & "</table>";

    return HTMLData;


  • You generated HTML needs to use http references to the CSS files. For example:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="resources/yui/yui.css">

    Of course the css file nees to be in the appropriate directory